Collage by AwkwardSunrise


26 4
u ok ??
are you okay ??
why?? are you okay with talking about it??
r u okay?!
you're not alone so stay strong👊💖✨
o okay :( I hope your fat gets better
oh ok. aww i know how you feel. it's so stressful. no problem ^^ i hope you end up feeling better!
np :)
hang on there ^^ it'll end eventually!
as in the depressed feelings, I'm sorry my English sucks 😳
Please try to stay happy, I am also feeling depressed now too and I know how you feel. x I also know that if you think negatively it makes matters worse, so dont think with a negative attitude. x Try to keep positive, Stay happy💕 You deserve all the happiness in the world.💞 Fightinngg💪✨ Saranghaee💕😘
I'm Dutch, actually ☺ thanks! and then again, I'm sure you can get through this is hang on there!
cheer up cutie 🌸✨ I'm sure better days are heading your way, and if you ever need to talk I'll be here for you :)