Collab between Chimpchimp12 and I (NightProwess). For those of you asking if you can take MimNicole's place, we will probably wait longer and if she doesn't come back then we will talk about this. If she does come back and somebody took her spot, sh


πŸ’–TapπŸ’– Collab between Chimpchimp12 and I (NightProwess). For those of you asking if you can take MimNicole's place, we will probably wait longer and if she doesn't come back then we will talk about this. If she does come back and somebody took her spot, sh

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Caption: Then we still let her back in and we will 8 members instead of 7.
can I join ur collab account?
beautifully made I'm following πŸ’–πŸŒΉ