I'm was going for an oily effect. The stuff that you see on water on roads  and it's shiny and colourful... Because the picture has a street at night on it.... But the picture's a bit blurry...


I'm was going for an oily effect. The stuff that you see on water on roads and it's shiny and colourful... Because the picture has a street at night on it.... But the picture's a bit blurry...

21 0
thank you so much!!! this is really pretty 💙
Thanks so much! You're so sweet!
I'll post pictures as soon as I can 😊💕 I hope you can go to a kpop concert one day, I'm just lucky that I live a few hours away from Chicago
and thank you so much!! This style is amazing, I love the 'oily' concept, you pulled it off super well ^^