Ask the fangirl!


Ask the fangirl!

48 3
13. favorite fictional character?
Luna Lovegood, or Stargirl Caraway
2. current obsession?
Harry Potter!!
1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18!
sorry there's so many!
1: Probably Kim Possible
11: Favorite book (not series) is Stargirl. Series would be Harry Potter, obviously.
12: All game shows and reality TV shows
14: I love how relatable the characters are in Harry Potter Potter.
15: I guess that there won't be any more books 😡
14: (sorry I said Harry Potter Potter)
18: No 😖
3: I love all music, and I'm more a fan of solo artists.
19: YES... I have a bunch of Harry Potter stuff and things from movies.