12.1.16 ☺️

Hello, December! Please be good! πŸ’“ Christmas is 24 days away! πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ

Remake of an old edit on BlastinqOreos! Follow it, please! πŸ˜‡ Pop Page? ⭐️


12.1.16 ☺️ Hello, December! Please be good! πŸ’“ Christmas is 24 days away! πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ Remake of an old edit on BlastinqOreos! Follow it, please! πŸ˜‡ Pop Page? ⭐️

424 4
thank you so much! I love this collageπŸ’–πŸ˜
thanks for the spam :)
b e a u t i f u l ☺️
this is amazing
this is everything bella it reminds me of last yearπŸ˜ŒπŸ’žβ˜•οΈ
😭 I don't like it
I found that image on inspxred 's page πŸ˜† I also search up whatever I need and put weheartit or tumblr at the end of what I search in the PicCollage in app search. eg: travel weheartit πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‹πŸ’• You are most welcome to ask me to remix you the images I use if I still have them/ if you like them ;) id be happy to send them to you πŸ˜‹πŸŒΈ
i was looking at your remixes haha, I had to remake it πŸŒšπŸ’“β˜•οΈ
this is so good well done! xx
would you mind checking out my account ? Thankyou
^^your on pop page'! a little lower tho ⭐️
thank you! I'm not on pop page but have votes. 🌞 collab?
love it 😊β™₯️