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what the heck r u doing to people
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nothing important πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
lol I am so bored
I'm not
I am I hate school but I love to talk to friends
she cheated on meee I saw a pic on a friends snap
getting cheated on sucks
she cheated on u?!?!?!?! πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
yes and I don't know what to do I really do I want to go off on her because she mad me a promis that she would not cheat but she did
now I am single so happy but I can't date someone but that is ok because we are awesome friendsπŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„
I have to go sing to stupid 6th graders in 6th hour God help meeeeeeeeeeee
what r u up to
I love life you get hurt or yelled at but then you have your friends to help u through the it
I got kicked in the face
help me please
idk how
I was just kidding I am bored I am in math and I don't want to be at school I don't want to do any thing but talk to my friends
I have to video chat with her my friend is making me on her phone
we all need somebody that we can't lean on when your bracken and you look around and see your dreams gone
what's up