Shoutout to ninjagogirl!!!!


Shoutout to ninjagogirl!!!!

25 2
thanks wanna chat
how many followers do you have?
including my twin sister
oh cool ask me personal questions I like them
do you have any pets?
yea 2 but we have 9 animals in all
I used to have some fish and a turtle a dog,but they all died๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜–
aww who's your crush
I do not have one
ohh ask me a weird question
do you have one?
btw thanks for all the likes!!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
your welcome do you want me to remix a collage of my crushes
have you ever been throwed up on?
no I don't go to school I'm homeschooled
what is it like being homeschooled?
who's your crush,I promise i won't tell a soul.
awesome um when you can't think you get the day off if your sick you get the day off
but now I have two more pets,a dog and a rabbit.
cool and for my crushes hold on a sec
and guys I don't have pics of Nickoda like the boot
do you know this account called Brrianna
I don't know
omg!! I just reached 500 followers!
OMG that is so cool
ask me a question you have any siblings
2 very annoying brothers
same!!Then I have an awesome sister jazzy!
you should go follow her!!! jazzyisbae246
I cannot wait for the summer
me to swimming and ice cream
every summer I go to Wisconsin dells for vacation!!!
cool what room are you in
my room,I live in a apartment but when I finsh 7 and 8th grade i'am moving to sandy springs,Georgia
oh how old are you or do you want me to guess
you look 11
i'am 12
how old are you? should I guess
you want me to give you pic of me so you can guess how old I'm
like 13 or 14
lol I'm 11
my bad!'๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
it's ok happen all the time ask me a question
is there a certain time you have to go to bed on weekdays like Monday,Tuesday etc.Mine is 9:30
yea 8:30 most of the time
on weekends I get to go to bed whenever
cool ask me a question
is it okay if I ask you this,what is your name? mine is Brianna Nixon.That is richard Nixon's last name but i'am not related.
I can't give last nam but you can guess here's the first letter R
that's a beautiful name!!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ
thanks it is out of the bible
um I have no clue?
no guess again
no here's the second letter Y
getting closer
I mean't rylan
no rya
yes or no really don't want to say
was that it? or is there more?
ain't saying
oh do want me to keep guessing?
no just stop what time is it?
well goodnight
want to chat tomorrow at 9:30 am
sure see you tomorrow!!!
okay I will be up see yah,i'am glad we got to be friends
me to gives you a giant hug so big you faint
hugs and kisses๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
night hey heads up my brother might be with me are you gonna be up at 8:30
ok maybe we'll chat then luv u
you too!!
like I said my brother might be with me
okay that's totally fine with me.
sure night for real this time you want to meet on this collage or...
k night
chat in the morning
hey u up
yes!!!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ seriously I couldn't fall asleep last night I was so exited
do you want to play 20 questions disney version
u go first
what is your favorite Disney character?
um Ariel or belle I'm a lot like belle
my turn I'm thinking of a Disney prince
I like Cinderella
ask a question
does it have to be Disney related?
sorry I don't want to that any more so what do you want to talk about
what do you do in the spring?
um I like to swing on are swing set play with are fuzzy rabbits garden swim do crafts ride my (fake for kids) dirt bike and my regular bike
u on
sometimes I would go on a nature walk,but sometimes a normally stay inside.My brother's are so lazy they don't want to go on the nature walk.
omg that's funny ask me a Rquestion
have you ever been to Paris?
no but I dream of going to perry as I'm typing this I'm talking in a perry accent
I think my mom said we might go
maybe,but I don't think that's what she said
go look at my remixs
your welcome luv u ask me a question
do you like Justin bieber
I don't really know what I think of him
blah oh let me spell his name B-A-R-F
oh hey sis
are you still here Ninja go girl?
hey I'm here what's your fav tv show
sponge bob squarepants
cool mines NINJAGO
super cool
even though I'm a girly girl are a girly girl or a tomboy
hey,do want to go to a different collage to chat? it's my collage called chat?
ok sure what post