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I wasn't following her until I saw this Hatepage. Now I am. Thanks for making this. It's getting her a lot more followers.☺️☺️
I think she is beautiful and I would love to be friends with her btw
How could you say this about anyone? Whatever she has done to you, you need to forgive and forget! Nobody deserves this... Everyone is beautiful in the eyes of God so who are you to judge her? The Bible says, "the person without sin may cast the first stone" You have no right to judge her and make fun of her. God loves us all the same and we are all the same in Gods eyes... Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror and fix yourself before you go and try to judge other people.
how could you do such a thing? you are incredibly disgusting! unfollow me! now! there is now way that you have the right to do this, you're ugly. inside and out. you're hiding in your little screen, being a côward, and a sick fûcking pig! she's beautiful...
I honestly want to know right now what gives you the right to take this kind of action and use advantage towards it. :/ as much as you think this is "funny" towards you, others might not I honestly can't even imagine someone making a hate page about this gorgeous girl.? like did she ever do anything to you to cause all of this to happen. I bet not so I suggest you unfollow me as of now and take this page down. :)💖
Leave that amazing girl alone.
y r u so rude all these ppl are trying to make PC a peaceful place and help tori and comfort her and explain to u nicely what ur doing wrong and u have to act like a jerk to them
You horrible human being. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
oh okay! since it cracked your screen you must've not seen what you wrote and you probably feel bad now! you shouldn't feel bad! you should feel terrible bc you are a terrible person! you think people are gonna unfollow her for you? no, more people are gonna follow her bc they feel sorry for her!
you're just a hater! and haters are ALWAYS jealous! so you're jealous of her! that's why you made this page! you just wish you had what she has so you try and get her to kill herself but really, you're only hurting yourself! and don't try to act like you're not a hater or you're not jealous bc your username literally says hate in it!