Yay!!! TheHaterClub stopped hating and changed her whole theme of her channel!!! Amazing job squad


Yay!!! TheHaterClub stopped hating and changed her whole theme of her channel!!! Amazing job squad

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hey it’s Paris-lovr on my friends account do to some things that had nothing to do with anyone I’m leaving pc love ya all I will return after the summer hope u guys still remember me by then😭😭❤️❤️❤️
I’m sorry I had to 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I promise I’ll be back in August with a whole new account I just need a break
but I feel bad
can I join the squad?
yeah. she commented on my post and said ,” ur ugly as fxck”
yaas girlfriend!!! I saw ur besties post and I think it’s so sweet that ur stopping cyber bullying💖I’m so proud of you for being successful😘😘
can I join the squad
same can I join?
she has started again
look at the remixes on the report collage