You know what isabobisa u r an unappreciative BÍTCH you don't even give a FÙCK about me or who up I am. you heartless piece of SHÎT😡🖕


You know what isabobisa u r an unappreciative BÍTCH you don't even give a FÙCK about me or who up I am. you heartless piece of SHÎT😡🖕

12 1
take a look at the comment in my account and hers
figure it out yet😂
please don't feel down. I know why it's like. I'm always here for you and I will try my hardest to make you smile xxx
why would you say something like that
ur such a jerk
because ur a bîtch Hun
that day you parents were in court
they weren't fighting over u
they were fighting about who would have to take you, a little slûtty burden
I'm just... shocked
did I hit a nerve bîtch?
Back off
Stop it
You gone, now? Just stop messing with her. Go ahead, and mess with me if you need, just don't bother her.
excuse you it's not like you know the bîtch
why are you so mad at her or him? what happened?