My life is f***ed up


My life is f***ed up

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thanks❤️means a lot ((:
NPPPP :)) 😊 you okay?
yeah ((: the real question is are you okay?😋
that's good :) and yeah omggggg kitty is online and ueoshwhdjsosuehegf she makes me speechless aiwirvfkspwhe ☺️ Thanks for asking x
no problem I think you and kitty are goals😭😭❤️
Thanks ☺️❤️ She's my respiration system // without her I can't breathe 👀
yea I used to have one her name was Mia until she left me for someone else😔😔
Well I'm not leaving kitty ❤️
better not she's a best friend and s are you and if y'all leave each other tommy boi is gonna be upset😭😭❤️❤️😂😂
Ahah well fingers crossed she doesn't leave me for anyone better 😂❤️
she's not she's not that type of girl Ryan❤️❤️
I know 🙄❤️
she loves you a lot❤️😊
Ikkkk 👀❤️
and me Tommy don't forget tommy😂😂❤️
yeah 🙄
what's wrong?😐😐
Yeah... don't talk to me again.
I think you know.::
you know what Idc
cuddle kitty :/ idc
you can just have her...
No... do what you like...
no I'll just leave y'all alone
Do you like her or something?
like do you have a crush on her?
no I like someone else I used to like her but I have someone else and when I found out she was taken I just moved on
but I don't want to get in the way of anything even though I did I'm sorry I'm just a screw up I know why my X girlfriend left me thanks for making me understand
so you like kitty... oh my god. that's why you asked her for a cuddle...!!!!!!!
maybe she's not gonna like me no one will like me I'll always be a loser and plus you'll make fun of me and you'll get mad at me and probably start talking about me