from time to time I miss the friends that I used to have and it sucks because I know that I haven’t even crossed their minds as much as they’ve crossed mine ;-; I hope they’re all doing well♡


from time to time I miss the friends that I used to have and it sucks because I know that I haven’t even crossed their minds as much as they’ve crossed mine ;-; I hope they’re all doing well♡

65 1
school was super slow😂
Thx for the likes Xx
Yes it is by Kakashi :3
@Caption it's hard to miss friends, I'm sure they miss you to. Growth is painful, but everything happens for a reason, and someday you'll realize why. My own falling outs have taught me to value my friendships, even when they end painfully because they gave me a lesson💕
ty!! 💕
thank you! xD
thank you