I like to play the ukulele skateboard and hang out with friends.


I like to play the ukulele skateboard and hang out with friends.

13 0
hey we can still talk
sure. what's going on
well what do u wanna talk about
I don't know. this is awkward 😅
so what grade r u in
I'm in grade 8 I'm supposed to be in grade 9 but I failed grade 1
so they kept me back another year for grade one
oh I'm sorry about that. I'm in 10th but the grades r a lot different in the Bahamas then in the states
Lol weird
Well I live in Ontario Thunder Bay
I have no idea where that is 😅
lol thought so
my battery is gonna die soon just so u know
oh ok. well if ur goin it was nice talkin to ya. maybe we could chat again another time
yah we should
okay well I'll talk to u soon then maybe during the week
ok goodnight mike
goodnight kailey
You might want to pull up your bra, too.