so I feel like we're gonna get hate about this topic. Both of use owners of this account basically agree. Well anyway no hate bc read the comments!


💕PLZ TAP HERE💕 so I feel like we're gonna get hate about this topic. Both of use owners of this account basically agree. Well anyway no hate bc read the comments!

79 0
So if u do send hate we will block you not only on this account but on our main accounts too! I think the other owner agrees that u probably don't wanna be blocked by our main accs just sayin 😂😂 anyway we will also report u to PC bc we've already said this is our opinion. Pol have the right to having different opinions. Just don't comment anything on a rant account bc everything u see is not everything ur gonna agree with. 💕💦
this is extremely true!🙌🏻
I agree with you
So true😞
So true👌
following you
I agree!!! and have you noticed that the same people always get featured?!
yes this is soooooo true!!!
completely agree! sometimes popular people can be rude
so true
what does tbh mean? (reply on my page so I can see it please
sotrue:) what does tbh mean?