Omg yayyy I’m finally doing a Kpop games!! I’ve always entered them but I’ve never hosted them! I hope you guys join!😊thanks for 500:D 
4 female biases and 4 male biases of mine- there is absolutely NO favoritism here mmmmk I’m fair


•🚒🎉• Omg yayyy I’m finally doing a Kpop games!! I’ve always entered them but I’ve never hosted them! I hope you guys join!😊thanks for 500:D 4 female biases and 4 male biases of mine- there is absolutely NO favoritism here mmmmk I’m fair

49 5
Ahh, I’d love to join but I might be busy this week and I don’t wanna take chances of missing a round!💞
so do we sigh up on your other account then?
congRATS FOR 500 !!!!
and id love to join :D
yes these are baes
lmaœ no problem 👉🤠👉
I apologize in advance if I don’t enter in a round because my editing habits and terrible and it takes me forever to make something that isn’t bad pahahahahaa
maybe make it so that the round ends after a certain amount of people enter? that way a bunch of people won’t get eliminated for not entering on time
oh wow
they’re probably worried that they won’t be able to make it to all of the rounds because of school or something
and I think I saw some people say that they wanted to enter so go bother them I guess kekekekek
I’m so excited to enter!!! is there a theme or specific post I should look at for more info?
I meant the people that said that they wanted to join but didn’t actually sign up on the sheet because maybe they didn’t understand what you wanted them to do
just say something like “if you still want to join my contest, there’s sign ups” or something idk just don’t sound like this people on featured posts
lmaœ that’s so relatable
do we need to claim one of ur biases to enter? or can we mix and match (skdkskjsjdk u know what i mean .___. )
cuz if we need to stake claim I FRIKIN CALL HYUNJIN FITE ME EVERYONE ELSE (I’m sorry that was aggressive but I mean.... y’all it’s hyunjin.... )
^hold up nvm he’s been taken ;—; ignore me
haha ofcccc I literally can’t find anyone else that has me feeling some type of way like how I feel towards Jungkook
S.Coups is taken by @Jungkookie_Bais
oh gurl u deserve this. you such a great person and your collages are bomb 💕❤️😂
congrats 💖💖
Yuqi is taken!
(in gidle)
but I have wayyyy more biases. AND CONGRATS!!! 🎉🎊 I’m so happy for you!! your collages are amazing! you deserve these likes and followers!