Collage by SweetShadow


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awwwwww *hugs* you ok sweet?
thanks :)
yeah... ;-;
ok... I'll try...
ok... thanks for being here for me :)
you'll love my last post
*he hugs her closer to him still kissing*
(continuing here)
(their both drunk right?) *pulls away* wanna go to bed now? (drunk James literally never thinks :P)
*takes her hand and goes into the bedroom*
*he starts kissing her again*
*he brushes his hands through her soft hair, going deeper into the kiss*
*you feel something hard in his pants as he's pressed against you*
uhhhh... n-nothing... (😉)
*there was literally nothing* it's something else... (😏)
*kisses and is above her on the bed*
(same idek anymore) (and brb) (also lets just skip to morning)