I'm on and single -Wesley


I'm on and single -Wesley

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wanna chat?
what's up
nun much hbu?
talking to you
you're really nice you know
awww thanks
what's up cutie
nun much hottie
☺️ I'm talking to this hot guy that I want to hang out with
😏 I wonder who it is*bites my lip*
*blushes* I wonder too😏
*gets closer to you*i wish you were mine*smirks*then I'd be able to kiss you as much as I want
maybe I want you to be mine *looks at your lips*
oh really baby girl
oh yea baby boy😍😘😏
what are we going to do about this situation babyπŸ‘β€οΈπŸ˜˜
idk what are we😏😘❀️
it's up to MY BABY GIRL*gets closer to you and bites my lip *
*smiles and kisses you* so want to be MY BABY BOY❀️😍😘😏
yes baby*picks you up and kisses you*
are we dating? *wraps my arms and legs around you*
yes babe*french kisses you hard*
*bites your lower lip and french kisses you back*
*kisses on your neck*
*lays my head back*
gives you hickeys*
*kisses you*your mine and mine only Baby girl ok?
*kisses you back* I'm yours and only yours
of course your mine*takes my shirt off*
I made a post *looks at your body*
you're sexy
thanks babe so are you
like my post baby
yes babe I love it
will you make one?
yeah when I get the chance to
you're mine
and your mine
that's right
πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜ I have to go soon😫
ok babe it's ok
I don't want to😞❀️
ik babe
I missed you
I missed you to
hey babe
hey sorry I went to a game
it's ok baby *hugs you*
I love you
hey babe
I missed you
I've missed you to
*kisses your cheek*
*picks you up*
*wraps my arms and legs around you*
*puts my hands on your aΕ‘Ε‘*
*smiles and kisses you*
*kisses you back and smack it*
*laughs and kisses your harder*
remix me babe