pls post so I can talk to my girl


pls post so I can talk to my girl

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hahaha not someone covering your nxpple 🤭
handsome how are you feeling
nope I wouldn’t let that happen either no free tiddie picks at all
want more soup
we could do that
okay baby I just have to reheat the soup because I made a lot last time do you want more electrolytes
okay handsome I’ll be back with your soup ~walks downstairs and into my kitchen~
~grabs a bowl and the soup from the fridge~
~puts it in the microwave and grabs your gift I got you~
~grabs a put holder and grabs the soup and a spoon walking upstairs ~
~comes in and sets the soup down and shows you the Stanley I got you~ I got you your very own Stanley cup
~smiles~ you’re welcome daddy
~sits next to you~ careful it’s really hot
~nods and grabs my phone looking at the picture my friend sent me~ awwww
one of my friends had a baby and she’s just the cutest little thing ~shows you the photo~
~smiles and carefully cuddles into you~ hopefully one day that’ll be us
~smiles~ we’d make some cute babies I bet
~cuddles you~
~looks up at you~ you good baby
~nods slightly~ do I need to get up so you can get comfy
~nods and cuddles into you yawning~
hi daddy
tired hbu
hope you are having a good day daddy
daddy can we cuddle if you are on pls 👉🏼👈🏼
yes pls ~nods~
~goes into your arms~
I need some cuddles ~looks up at you~
~holds on and lays my head on your chest~ how have you been you feeling better
I could never live where it storms all the time ~kisses back~ thunder scares me
~nods and cuddles into you getting comfy and yawns~
~looks up at you~ I’m willing to do that
miss you daddy
it’s fine daddy ~smiles and kisses you gently~
~kisses back~ could we go to Barnes and noble
~gets excited~ I still have yet to shower so let me do that and then I’ll be ready to go
~goes to my bathroom~
~turns the shower on~
~takes my clothes off and gets in~
~sings as I shower~
~continues to sing as I shower~
~gets out and turns off the shower still singing~
~smiles and comes out to get some clothes~ thank you baby
~smiles and sets my clothes down before going into your arms~
~kisses you~
~blushes bright red~ thank you daddy
hope you are having a good day daddy
have a good day daddy
daddy I have a question
I understand if it’s too soon and idk why I want one so badly but I know you said you want to take things to the next level do you think we could ummmm try for a baby ~looks up at you~
~smiles and gets excited~ yay I love you so much and I’m sorry for shocking you. idk why I’ve just really wanted a baby lately
~smiles and kisses you~ it’s not too soon do you think
~smiles~ I see life with you as well
~kisses you deeply adding a little tongue~
~smirks and kisses you~
~kisses you as I carefully take your shirt off~
~watches you~ I’m sorry handsome ~hands you the shirt~ you can put it back on if you aren’t comfortable yet
~nods slowly kissing you again as I take mine off~
do you want to umm do the bra or me ~looks at you~
they aren’t that big I didn’t get blessed like my mom did I got the looks ~looks at you~
miss you daddy
that happens to me a lot I hxte it
right so irritating ~kisses you~
~takes off my pants and underwear looking at you~
~watches you~ it’s okay if you want to stop baby I want you to be comfortable as well while doing this
which you don’t need too baby ~kisses you~ because you are perfect the way you are
~smirks as I watch you rub yourself getting wet and turned on~
oooppps forgot to say thank you
~kisses you~
~moans softly watching you as I open my legs more for you~
~moans~ if you ever want to stop just let me know okay daddy
~nods and turns the lamp off~ do you think you’ll fit daddy
~nods moaning as I feel you tease my entrance~
~moans arching my back~ it’s okay daddy you can go in deeper
*moans and scoots down to take you~
~moans and rubs my clxt~ mmm daddy right there
~moans arching my back as I tighten around you more~ mmm daddy you feel so good
~feels myself about to squirt and rubs my clxt moaning~
hope you had a good day today
hi daddy ~smiles up at you~
I’m good hru
~nods~ me too I’ve been working over time
~smiles and looks up at you~ hopefully they are days I have off cause I miss you
~kisses you back softly~ also i just have to say it you are really good at sxx
~blushes deeply~ I feel like I could have done better I kinda tense up when it’s my first time with someone new
~smiles and looks at you~ maybe we could do it again on our day off
could we do it right now I can ride if you want ~looks up at you~
~smirks and takes your hand~ I got a gift for the both of us
you’ll see when we get into the bed room ~smirks and walks to the room walking in~ now lay down and close your eyes
~grabs the bag I hid and puts on the lingerie I got putting my hair up in a messy bun~
okay daddy you can look now ~gets nervous that you won’t like it~
~smiles wide and does a spin slowly~ and the best part is you can still wearing it while having sxx because the leg straps move
~smirks~ want the lights off again
~watches you and nods~ okay daddy
~looks at you~ are you sure daddy I want you comfortable
~nods and moans softly~ okay daddy
hope you had a good day daddy
baby what days do you have off ?
ggrrrrr I miss you
it’s okay daddy do you know your days off
yay me rooo
are you on I need cuddles 👉🏼👈🏼
~crawls into your arms~ my tummy hurts
~cuddles into you~ it’s my period it’s coming soon
~nods~ yeah
~looks up at you~ we could take my period away but only if you are ready I don’t wanna rush you
ik ik ~giggles softly and cuddles~ I just don’t wanna be moody and crampy
I just wanted to say that I’m sorry if I’m trying to rush things I’m not trying to and if you ever feel like I am please tell me
I got you more flowers 😊
do you guys have an insta we might go over there
okay just thought we ask
~nods~ you see I got you more flowers baby
love you and miss you
baby 🥺
~hugs you wearing one of your sweatshirts~ I’ve missed you
~nods~ I was diagnosed with POTS
do they take iron infusions as well
I don’t like them they hurt ~hugs you tighter~
miss you
yay I planned a little date
~nods~ I’ll wait
~smirks~ id love too daddy
~kisses back~ i love you so much benji
~smiles and takes my clothes off~
~hugs you from behind and rests my head on your back~
~shrugs~ idk all ik is my bxxbs got bigger
~giggles and moans softly at the touch~ I’ve been going to the gym
~leans my head to the side for you~ you are turning me on daddy
~reaches down to rub your dxxk~
~kisses you deeply~ I want you inside of me daddy
~shakes my head~ I think I’m ready to have a kid if you are and don’t say yes just to make me happy I want to make sure you are ready as well
~nods and opens my legs a little more for you so it’s easier and nods~ I just wanna make sure you are comfortable and that I’m not rushing things
have a good day 🥰 Love you 😘
^ call My man that again and see what happens bxtch
ohh they deleted it but this called you hot but they were going around calling people on our account hot, sexy and daddy and the thing was they were all taken and then went and called us all ugly
they not this
right wanna go back to our moment in the bathroom I was enjoying it before they interrupted
fxxk me daddy ~smirks opening my legs for you on the counter
~moans softly~ fxxk daddy you are big
have a good day baby and be safe today I love you more than you know
~looks up at you~ I know I’ve been asking a lot but could we try for a baby I understand if you don’t want too tonight and we could watch a movie or something instead
no I understand I just feel like I’m bugging you into trying for one
I just wanted to say that if I’m bugging you into something please let me know. I don’t want to rush anything with you because I see a future with you and I just feel like I’m trying to rush this and beg you into trying when you say I’m not I just feel that way and I’m sorry for feeling that way
have a good day baby 🥰😘
have a good day daddy I love you and miss you
miss you baby
hope you are doing okay baby
is pic collage acting up for you guys
ours isn’t really working still
miss you daddy
good morning handsome I hope you have a good day and I miss you