Hey guys my name is Rachel Levin!! I'm a youtuber my Channle is @rclbeauty101 and, my Twitter and Instagram I was going to name my username @rclbeauty101 like my youtube username but a lot of them were used, and so that's why I had decided on making my us


Hey guys my name is Rachel Levin!! I'm a youtuber my Channle is @rclbeauty101 and, my Twitter and Instagram I was going to name my username @rclbeauty101 like my youtube username but a lot of them were used, and so that's why I had decided on making my us

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the real Rachel wouldn't be on piccollage, wouldn't follow me, and wouldn't make stupid spelling mistake
Really, Shure. Good spelling 5 year old🙄
the real Rachel wouldn't be on PC and the real Rachel know how to spell UNLIKE YOU THE FAKER SO just leave PC
anyway Rachel can spell