youblitheringidiot is typing...

Happy Birthday Katie Leung!
I do like Cho and Harry together but, and I don't have many ships, but I know that I hardcore ship Hinny😅


youblitheringidiot is typing... Happy Birthday Katie Leung! I do like Cho and Harry together but, and I don't have many ships, but I know that I hardcore ship Hinny😅

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ahhh yay thank you! I worked so hard on it omg😂
also I loved Cho so much I shipped it haha
ThAnks i love tHis
hey it's Emily 👋🏻💘 I used to be @rainymulti ⛅️ but now I'm @camilasrcses 😻 yes, this is a copy and paste but you are only receiving this if you follow me ilysm and hope you continue this journey with me ✨❤️
*shivers* I cannot stand cho 🌚 but I do love the collage minus the cho+harry part because I ship harmione
this is so sweet I love it
i love this edit so much💕 but it would be 10,00000000000009 times better if it was ginny instead :)