Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "go!" 
A leader says "let's go!"


Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "go!" A leader says "let's go!" -e.m.kelly

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not being rude but why did u vote out dan?
I'm not very fond of them. But I will respect your opinion if you respect mine.
I respect you just give them a chance but it may just be the type of video but if u like gaming follow their gaming channel I fell in love with them instantly but some people it takes a while
one or the other will be voted out so it will be easier to just get one out earlier
I'm sorry I just don't like their channel
not really cause I kinda wanna see the fandom fight over who's out
ok then
na it's really funny
trust me the phandom is everywhere and when we fight its hilarious
ok I bet no one is going to pick 6 or 7 percent I'll the end