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It's MBV overrated?? Probably but I have nO shAme. Also sorry for my long overdue return, the holidays, school and PENDING REVIEW just haven't been in my favor. Also happy New Years, 2017 was gross so I'm looking forward to midnight.
Didn't want to risk it bc again pending review is awful. BUt can 2017 kinDly füK off, two years in a row of just a shïtshow I'm SO over it. Anyways hope your 2017 was better than mine, playlist coming soon I hope.
^2017 sucked man. agreed. also pending review makes me wanna shît myself like why is. it. neccessary. to. cEnsOr. eVERYTHING.
AHH AMAZINFNFNFJFJFV ^^^ ikrrr, STUPID 2017, Bleh, i agree so bad, had a lot of drama, net neutrality, pending reviews ugh
dude ur so close to 1K
wow this is amazing ♥️
hah 2017 sUcked I’m in such a rush to leave it all behind. depression at its finest in 2017 but frfrfrfrfrfr THIS EDIT MANNN WHAT EVEN is this even humanly possible. I’m such a fan of your work *bows* seriously
no problem and thanks💖
o really okay! i love her account i’ll try and find it and give her credit! i got my “inspo” from pinterest actually but i’m sorry and i will! thanks SO much for letting me know