....soon to be dead


....soon to be dead

231 7
you cut yourself too?
Please stop self harming yourself!
don't cut yourself u are amazing. you shouldn't care what people think about you or what ever you are depressed about. u r amazing and perfect :)
don't hurt yourself please
please don't harm yourself. you are amazing and special. how can we help.
be strong!!! we think you are absolutely amazing
no no no! don't!
love you! Thanks for being my first follower ever! I now have more than 370
oh my.... I feel bad for what your going through everyone here cares don't worry we are here for u!
steph listen to me.... I self harmed my self too.... I'm still doing it sometimes when I'm sad but u can t let it take over you. be your self and I promise u everything will be fine. Ik that a lot of people told u to stay strong and stuff but Ik it's not helping u cuz people said this to me too... u don't need to get over it and u don't need to listen to everyone but just done let it get over u.. pls..
I know how you feel I am going through the same thing. it's like there are so many people in the world you just get overlooked ,bullied and abused.
You're amazing. Be strong! 😃
u r amazing, and don't ever forget that. whenever u feel like the world turned it's back on u, just keep ur head up and be strong. trust me, I'm going through the same thing.😔 u r worth it!!! stay strong, and be yourself.😉
I love you collages 🙂
please don't hurt yourself. once you start, you really can't stop. I cut and it's hard I know. but you can fight it. instead of using a blade, use a marker. it really helps. stay strong beautiful ❤️
don't hurt yourself! we all have your back