Collage by purecocaine_


18 1
hi mister <3
why sirrrr
hehehe , you’re adorable!
Is it pending ?:)
Oof , sorry you’re out of luck mister
I’m sorryyy
SmAller oNe sadlY in thE bLUe
I’m lookIng liKe a wEt rat🥰🥰
:) hehe, I’m glad you think sooo
hey ..
I can’t :(
becauseeeeee you’re to gooddddd for meee, I can’t kiss you sir
*smiles happily with a dimple in each cheek as I blush a rosy pink over my light freckles, before I place my hand on your torso and stand on my tippy toes, leaning in and kissing your lips *
nothing i’m fine
*pulls away as I smile up at you, as I blush* hehe
Hello,were you the one who messaged me a week ago? 😋
and can I just say that your eyes are very beautiful! I would kill to have eyes like those!