when the art, photography, and editing skills are horrible (rates 1-10)


when the art, photography, and editing skills are horrible (rates 1-10)

8 0
mew 😿
mew 😽
this is fabu
it's fabu
mew 🙀
yes it is fabu
lying is bad son
yes you is because dis is clearly amaze
i rated the thing
9/10! I like the reflection on the computer screen, it makes it look really cool :)
re:// I'm surprised that you care about me.
re:// *walks away*
re:// *cries* I DON'T HATE YOU.....I JUST FEEL LIKE YOU HATE ME.......
re:// *sobs* I JUST SAID I DON'T HATE YOU...... *grabs a knife* Welp. I give up. You'll probably never believe me. *stabs self*
re:// ....Am I your friend.....?
re:// .... *cries*
re:// ...
re:// *hugs you back*
re:// I don't need a fricking blanket.
re:// oh.
re:// why are you a cat
re:// how
re:// I wanna be a cat