Some chick who was in my 5th grade class called my music taste trashy on and made a group chat with me and some kid on Instagram saying we liked each other I wasn't even friends with this girl just gtfo m8 do I have permission to throw shade


Some chick who was in my 5th grade class called my music taste trashy on and made a group chat with me and some kid on Instagram saying we liked each other I wasn't even friends with this girl just gtfo m8 do I have permission to throw shade

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@P057 0|\/|6 |\/|10
I love literally one of the comments on here just went straight to homicide and everyone's oddly alright and okay with it like its a normal thing. I love this community.
I love that*
^ "Wednsday is at that age where there is only one thing on her mind" "Boys?" "Homicide"
sorry I'm Addams Family trash I've seen all the series and movies I can quote everything
Elle go ahead and throw some shade I got u
I hate her already. I don't know who she is but I hate her
@caption oh what a lovely human being she is .-.
hey what's your sorry if sound weird. 😬😬😬