Collage by rhythmicsgirl


23 0
not good
trump is president Australia is gonna get bombed first were all gonna die and dont ask how i know so much about this
yup march 27 next year is when world war 3 starts dont ask how i know just take my word for it but i could be wrong
i wish the military helicopter would stop flying around like seriously its late people want to rest in silence
ugh as if life could get any worse
bang straight between the eyes i did it yay
do u wanna chat?
it's fine. hey friend. 😄 I'm sorry I couldn't reply sooner, how are you?
Hiiii hon😘I'm great, thanks for asking😊Sorry I haven't been on much, I had to study for 4 tests!!! But then he moved the maths test to Monday, so I only have Science, Economics and Health today😌How are you?🌴🌻✨❤️
XD happens to the best of us. I forget everything.
hahaha yeahhh that happens 💕😂
lol. hi
good. hru?
we are all busy but u are the busiest "Olympian" I am still so proud of you!!
Hiiiiii hon😘I'm sooooo sorry I haven't been on much, but I've just been so busy with tests and stuff😁How are you? I hope you are okay😘
America is going to die anyway! trump is president elect
I'm okay, thanks😊The tests were kind of hard, I didn't do that well.... 70% for science, 79% for maths.... But we have one last maths test, which I'm hoping I'll do okay, I've already started revision☕️We got our school photos and I had a really bad photo😭I tried so hard to be pretty but I look horrible😰Anyway, how have you been?Hope you are okay😘
We haven't gotten the other tests back, I'm hoping I did okay🐚
Haha, no problem, and omg I'm so sorry I'll fix it now😳😁❤️
I'm trans lol
np! 😊💕🍂🍁
oh im so sorry..
lol that's cool!
GIIIIRL Pretty fine accept my friend is suicidal and is going to hate me when I tell the guidance counselor today
I will x
No probleemmm , thank youuuu 💕 i love you💗
Thank you love❤️You are amazing and I hope you remember that❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I'm glad you are trying to get better just always remember you can reach out. I'm so happy you got your account back I missed you, it's been so long I've figured out my sexuality and what I want to do with my life haha. How's life?
no clown I'm good
my mouth is seald 😶
help me
i gtg bye
no my friend hates me i have to delete pc after my bday in December and thats about it
im having the worst day😫😱😨😖😭😰😱😫😨😖😭
hope you get better to I hope you preserver and I'm here for you as I know you would be for me X