If you have one DO NOT charge it at night, that's why people's are catching fire. They charge it for way to long, only charge for 2 hours.


If you have one DO NOT charge it at night, that's why people's are catching fire. They charge it for way to long, only charge for 2 hours.

57 2
kindle fire
be careful that doesn't catch on fire😄
Wow nice
i love kindles!! and I will thank you
mine is my iPhone 5s
I got a ping pong table!
nice @unicornboo7 what color?
@strawberry_butterfly do you play ping pong just for fun or do you compete
@the_little_blue_box I sorry that they broke there leg are they okay? I love my beats, did you get the headphones or earbuds, what color did you get?
concert tickets and a new phone
oh nice who are you going to see?
I phone 6-s
nice what color
concert tickets and a new phone to out of the 54 presents
nice who are going to see
iPod touch 5th generation
amazing what color?!
I am so glad you said that!! Family is the present anyone could ever give you thank you so much
mine is a iPad mini
oh nice!