Collab with...
the amazing @imperfect_beauty! Nevaeh did the FANTASTIC text and I did the background, please check out her account, she's adorable!<3 Little life update: Vacation begins in 3 weeks, I'm rlly looking forward to it but I'll miss everyone:( q


Collab with... the amazing @imperfect_beauty! Nevaeh did the FANTASTIC text and I did the background, please check out her account, she's adorable!<3 Little life update: Vacation begins in 3 weeks, I'm rlly looking forward to it but I'll miss everyone:( q

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Collab with... the amazing @imperfect_beauty! Nevaeh did the FANTASTIC text and I did the background, please check out her account, she's adorable!<3 Little life update: Vacation begins in 3 weeks, I'm rlly looking forward to it but I'll miss everyone:( qotd: have you listened to talyor's new album yet? Aotd: yes ofc! I love it💕
i love this!! and yes her new album is literally amazing
ugh this is gorgeous!
c’est incroyablement beau punaise
je blague pas😭 j’en veux en poster
thank you!!
my fav song on her new album is prob i can see you
posteeerrr 🤣😭(postair, cpas pr faire un poste , c l’affiche)
omg hey! sorry I took a little break bc I had no inspo lol
Hi chloé! I'm back-let's catch up, how are you?
honestly that's a good idea, I'll try that 💓
I’m good! wbu?
I Dominga pretty good actually I got a summer job as a cashier. hbu?
*doing (autocorrect🙄)
y’all did an amazing job!! how are things??
This is amazing!!
Aotd: yesss :)
i’m okay thank you!! hbu?🎀
Thank you!! Ahh one sister can be so fun too!!
Haha yeah we got so lucky in the ticket sale, I'll probably post about it once it happened :)
Oh swimming sounds fun! I was supposed to go but it started pouring rain
My day was pretty good. I’ve mainly been just hangin out tbh but I do take a summer class
hbu? do you have any set plans for summer?
ok :) hbu
ofc! it's been OK, yours?
that sounds like a lot of fun!!
I’m going on vacation I’m a few days to Colorado so I’m currently packing 😍
im emily! what’s yours?
Im super tired though because i went to a Shania concert last night! 🤠
Hru?! Are you still having friend problems?
i’m okay! hru??:)
i’m pretty good wbu?
thank you, this is stunning as well :)
thanks! 💖
shopping with besties…i love that! today i took psychology class (which i adore), finished my book, had a headache, played floorball (it’s like hockey) and yeah!
hm, contests are a big responsibility…i’ll see what i can do tho :)
not much, hbu? I’m unfortunately doing a math course this summer :(
that sounds so fun!! i’m swimming for the first time in a while after i arrive in holland!!
andd my day was good!! how was urs?🫶
aww that’s great that things are better for you!! 💕💕
and def endless love (she’s featured in that one), who’s bed have your boots been under, any man of mine, Man! I feel like a women
ooh well hopefully you get to visit sometime, it’s super pretty there!
we’re definitely going white water rafting which I’m excited for, and we’re going to the Rockies!! everything else is up in the air bc of the weather, and once you make reservations for activities at our cabin you can’t cancel them if it gets rained out :/
I’m packing just a bunch of shirts and shorts haha and some entertainment for the plane 😍
Amazing collage
i’m better now
Thank you!
This is amazing! a: IT WASs sO GOOD!
how are you today?
and that sounds so fun!! my day was good. I just had a really good orange for breakfast!
i’m doing good! i’ve been super busy and i’m ab to go on a trip so i won’t be on for a few days! how have u been?
yes!!! im not active rn but always feel free to chat or ask questions and i'll get back to u when we can
this is so pretty! 🩷
im doing good! how are you? :)
Ooff I switch all the time but red remains one of my all time favs :) What's your favorite?
Haha I guess all siblings can be annoying sometimes
omg Paris!!?? I’m jealous ngl. I don’t have any plans this summer just work. what are you gonna do in Paris??? (also you’re good ❤️)
definitely some books and a notebook if I feel like writing, you never know when inspiration hits 🤷‍♂️
I hope so :)
Oohh those are great too!!
ohhh thats hard sparks fly or enchanted but they're all so good!!!
oh so fun!! do u play any sports?
np!! and yess it was so much fun because us was my first concert!!
it was**
ofcc!!! and yes, my grandparents live there and a majority of my dad’s side of the family does!!
and NOO im a usa girly ehehehe!! but i’ve always wanted to go to europe
and that’s so cool!! what do you do at the festival? 🤍
awww that sounds so fun!!! I love oranges too!! I had another for breakfast and now i’m having apples and crunchy peanut butter 🍎
thanks for understanding <3
nothing much!! (sorry for the late response, ahah)
:) i’m am going to be sleeping in a cardboard box for a charity event! i’m so excited :)) wbu?
me too :)) First by her, 12th in general!!
i went with both haha
thank you so much! and aaa that sounds like so much fun!
I normally just have cornflakes or smth like that, but my mom has decided we need more fruit haha
thank you ⭐️
omg! I’m actually jealous. I’ve never been to anywhere in Europe but I really want to go because I really like history so I think it would be fun. And that was a good strategy during the summer lol. my parents always make us do some type of studying so we don’t forget everything
thank you!! 💕
sameee I haven’t written in a while sadly
lol yesss! my family goes to them a lot! I’ve seen P!nk, Morgan wallen, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, and Shania! The rest were just small rock concerts lol!!
who all have you seen at concert!?
ummmm right now im obsessed with cruel summer and lover
aww thank youuu <3
my summer is going ok! thanks for asking
how are you today?
haha fr! or I just never know what to write abt
Taylor tickets are so hard to find lolll
I’m good :) hbuuu
aww yay that’s so funn
hope u had a good time
just getting ready for college😨
I’m good hru??
I LOVE THIS TEXT!! it’s so simple but so elegant too! 💕