The image is so pretty 😭😍


The image is so pretty 😭😍

132 0
can u go like my latest posts sorry for asking again but I really like when u like my posts
Love it!!!
how do u make such great collages and how do get so many followers plz tell me
go_step_on_lego have many years have u had Pic collage for??
sorry how many
like, 1.5 I think? I only really started using it properly in September again xx
why do you ask?
Thanks for the spam πŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ™ˆ
Yayayay thx so much for entering my competition!!!!!!!! β€οΈπŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’•
it's okay πŸ’–πŸ’–
pretty awesome
it's just because ur really good at making collages
hey can u give me a shout out if possible it would really mean a lot
sorry- I don't do shoutouts unless it's a friend I know personally or many people have asked me to try and get someone else of private- sorry xx
it's ok thanks for replying because some people don't reply to comments and I do
how do u make such good collages I really want to know so bad
thank youπŸ˜… and I find pngs I like then search for other pngs that link to them- then I find a background that works with the colours and yeah... xx
oh ok thx that is really helpfulπŸ’•
I love talking to u
this looks really good