Collage by dirtyroleplaygirly


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hi, so what you wanna role play?
you online?
by the way I was thinking brother x sister too.
okay that seems fine
okii who is the brother?
I can be the brother if you want me to?
shot gotta go talk later
okay bye!
sorry it was about my school camp and I had break
nvm gotta go again have dance
bye again talk tomorrow
oh okay byeeeeee
I’m gonna start the role play now
*Walks to fridge and opens it*
oooo lollipops
*walks down the stairs and flops on the couch face first* *muffles* ughhhhhh
(you there?)
*opens lollie rapper*
*spits lollipop out*
why did I choose the worst flavour-
*goes on floor*
*hears a creak*
*muffled* what was that?
*turns around*
you good there?
*muffled* no
what happen?
*muffled* that bxtch broke up with me
she what?!
poor you
*goes up and hugs him*
*hugs back* yea apparently she’s been with James for 2 fxcking months
what a player
wanna go get ice cream?
*says with tears in my eyes* no I just need to go up to my room
(gotta go)
(meh get lunch and play now)
(talk after tho)
(okay byeeee)
oh okay! I’m gonna go get ice cream then
hmm what flavour-
*opens house door*
(you there?)
hmmm where is he?
*goes upstairs and looks in his room*
oh found you!
(where is you? )
(Yea sorry I’m here now)
(oh hey)
*looks over* oh hey...
you feeling better?
(you were just online-)
(Wut Happen)
(you haven’t been online for a while. Wut Happen?
(oh sorry)
yea kinda...
oh well....
what should we do??
I dunno what do you wanna do?
*sighs* come here
*pulls you on me and kisses you*