ya know I thought I was getting better but nope I hate depression


ya know I thought I was getting better but nope I hate depression

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@ur caption: plz !!! talk to me !!! if u need anything !!! or if u just wanna talk I will always find the time
thanks guys, il be alright. ily
just know ur absolutely amazing and u will get through this shįt !!
@headfirst-for-holidays Soon, everything will be ok. Everyone (and I literally mean everyone!) has your back! Take your time with things, and relax. I hope all goes well! (=゚ω゚)ノ
jackie/babe/gerard/MIKEY/petè I love you so much that it hurts ok distance is shįt but no matter how far or close you can always talk to me bc I will always be here for you whenever you need it. ♥︎stay alive friend ;)
thank you so much guys, I love you a lot
Stay strong. Remember you are amazing and we all care about you. If you need to talk let me know💕