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*looks away*
*well um I guess I accidentally almost ràped Orbi, she said it wasn't my fault, because I was drunk, but I still feel bad...
-face palms- ???: um...hi....im lost.....-the lost girl walks towards you-
*oh um hi! how did you get into my house?
y-you didn't! grillby stop you before you did anything rational! please don't cry...*hugs him tight*
please...don't cry...*hugs him tighter*
??: i saw it so i thought someone live here.....-sees his outfit- oh. another sinner trying to rape me
stop! he is not a rapist! *growls*
.......-whispers- he kinda is
no he's not! your only making him feel worse...
*i try not to! I'm sorry
*hugs him* please stop beating yourself up about this sans...
<hugs back softly> *i know, I just feel guilty about it, can I make it up to you?
*looks up at him with a soft smile* *nods*
*what would you like me to do?
*puts one hand on one side of his cheek to wipe his tear away* *smiles sweetly* I want to see you smile.... I hate seeing you so sad sans
<smiles slightly>
*rubs his arm with my other hand* it's ok sans... the past is behind us...*smiles softly*
Dolly: -sighs- anyways I'm DoLlY -glitches- huh...what the......
...... Dolly: anY ways -glitches-
*uh hello Dolly
do you feel better?
*me? uh yeah better
*smiles sweetly* that's good...*kisses his cheek* I'm gonna make some tea *goes into the kitchen*
<feels cheek> *ok! IMMA watch some tv
*starts making the tea**
*oh hey what kinda tea is it?
*i might want some
um...citrus green tea
*oh than yeah i guess I would like some
*woah dolly disappeared
ok! *starts making two cups*
hm...that's weird...she might of left when we weren't looking
*i guess that makes the most sense
yeah... *comes out with the two cups* *gives him his cup and sits down next to him holding my cup+
<takes it> *thank you
*smiles* you're welcome
<sexy smile>
*blushes alittle* *smiles beautifully*
*ok what do wanna watch?
I'm not sure...
*ok then I'm putting pôrn
!! u-um m-maybe not that...
*hm well what then?
u-um...is there shows that don't have p*rn?
*hehheh yes
*i just need to find them
ok *snuggles up against him*
<wraps arm around her>
*lays against his body*
<flips through channels> *tell me if there's a show you like
*nods* *looks at each channel* *blushes everytime a p*rn channel shows up*
<chuckles a little, keeps flipping>
I'm not good at choosing
*well let me put a cheesy romance film
*snuggles with him*
<puts the movie on>
*lays my head on his shoulder*
<confusedly watches and cringes>
Dolly: -growls-
*oh there you are!
you don't need to watch it if you don't want to sans
*hello Dolly
*oh yeah that's ok I'm fine
!! oh hi dolly
o-oh ok
*knocks on the door*
*hm? come in!
*looks at the door*
*snuggles close*
*closes eyes* *smiles alittle*
Dolly: I HATE senses
*opens eyes again* hm?
*what? do have a problem?
*hold him close*
dolly: i seen way more sanses than you
*glares slightly*
*hugs him tighter*
*what other sanes have you met?
um...UF, US,UT,UFS, DT (dreamtale),HT,DT (dancetale),UL which is you, FF (flower fell), ET (error tale) *list a few more ((cuz I can't remember the actual name XD)) *takes a deep breath*
*wow, I've fûcked error, swap, fell, and tale! You've met quite a bunch
*and why out of all the sanes have you chosen me?
I'm actually from this au...there are different aus of me...all my their aus always pick sans...not sure why...
*well I mean all my counterparts are a little annoying, but I can see why! we are all just hot!
*blushes* heh heh y-yeah...*smiles shyly* but the funniest part is I've never met my DT ((dance tale)) self...she's usually never around...
*guess she's dancing ((I LOVE DANCETALE))
((me too)) yeah...I heard she's pretty good
*well I'm surprised you aren't like a slût
y-yeah...but my outfit says something else...
*lol yeah sorry
*giggles alittle* it's ok
*yeah... <smiles>
*giggles* *snuggles*
*sighs happily*
<tickles you>
*giggles more*
Dolly: -gags-
*hey you have a problem? the doors right there!
<tickles more>
Dolly: I do. is that.....yOuR nOT iN HeŁl -plasters appear-
-stands there- huh....
*starts laughing* s-sans..
dolly: wHaT?
oh gwad
<tickles harder>
*laughs more* p-please!
<tickles faster>
oh o-ok s-sans *tried to get breath back* I-I need to breath heh heh
<wrinkles non existent nose and continues tickling>
ahh! *laughs*
<finally stops>
*takes deep breaths*
*wipes tears away* *giggles*
*oops I'm sorry~ you should've told me to stop!
*hugs him* it's ok
*j-just don't do it to me?
don't worry I won't *giggles*
*smiles beautifully*