Going to need a few reviews on what I wrote πŸ˜ŒπŸ‚ Any of you interested? πŸ‘€β€οΈ Also, don't we all love the word "PUMPKIN"? πŸŽƒβœ¨ Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin.


Going to need a few reviews on what I wrote πŸ˜ŒπŸ‚ Any of you interested? πŸ‘€β€οΈ Also, don't we all love the word "PUMPKIN"? πŸŽƒβœ¨ Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin.

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I'd love to help review. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’• and pumpkins are awesome! πŸ‚πŸŽƒπŸ
i'd love to reviewπŸ˜±πŸ’•πŸ’―
if love to review
I'm interested in reviewing, if possible!✨☺️ And, yes, pumpkin is an awesome wordπŸ˜‚ (but of course I could never pronounce it correctly when I was younger)
I would review it, I'm sure it's amazing!!!! This is a cute collage xxx
I would love to review your story may I ask what it's about? Oh can I ask you a few questions defining the theme of the story?πŸ’•
would you mind giving me writing tips? I really want to write better.
I would love to review! I'm sure you are an amazing writerπŸ’œ
I would love to review!
I'm not sure why this edit is so pleasing....*sigh*😌