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Yurichan-.....-looks down trying to to cry- -sniffles-....
yurichan- -covers face and shakes head- -tears slip through hands-
yurichan- -nods still covering face ,tears falling-
yurichan- -shaking and crying into her chest-....i-i just m-miss them......
yurichan- -lets go- s-sorry...n-now..i've lost three people i-in my life....
yurichan- -sits and hugs knees- f-first..nemu....t-then Karin....now...q-quinn.....
( i dont care..) yurichan- .....-sighs-
yurichan- im l-losing all my f-friends one..by one.....
( lol im joking..but really i do care i but dont..cuz my fren jus left....what is it) yurichan- -blushes and hugs back-
(oh ok). yurichan- -sighs shakily-
yurichan- -buries face in the hollow of her throat-...thanks....-purrs quietly-.....
(OMG...I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING,....). yurichan- -gasps and pulls away- -steps away from her-
(YURICHAN IS A FXCKING CAT) yurichan- y-you..dont like cat...-ears and cat tail pop out-.......-looks down-
yurichan- d-do you...a-are you still...are we ...friends??.......
yurichan- -sighs- -sits by her and hugs her again-....
yurichan- -buries face in to her throat again and purrs- y-your..w-warm..-blushes-..
yurichan- -smiles- heh.... -tail flicks and looks up at her blushing-
(lol). yurichan- -blushes harder- -sits on her laps and cuddles her-
yurichan- -smiles-
Yurichan- -pulls her closer licking her neck- -appears in room-
yurichan- -giggles- -lays on bed-
yurichan- -smiles at her and blushes- y-your..cute...-blushes harder and looks down-....
(#AWKWARDMOMENT) yurichan- -looks at her smiles and blushing and lays in front of her- -spread out- -sighs-
yurichan- -blushes more and covers face- -spreads out legs and wiggles toes and sighs-
(wat) yurichan- hm? w-why are y-you s-saying sorry?.....-looks at her still laying down-
yurichan- -sits up and smiles- its fine -ears and tail twitch-
yurichan- -lays on her and we both fall on lay on bed- -buries face in her neck and purrs- hmm~......-smiles-
yurichan- -blushes and nuzzles closer into her-
yurichan- -smiles - your mine~.... -blushes harder-.... (guess what)
yurichan- -giggles- (my b-day is 11 days away)
( mine is the day before v-day (Valentine's day). ). yurichan- -smiles and foot slides against tail- -moans and covers mouth-
yurichan- -covers red and face harder- ...
yurichan- -sits up and face heats- u-um.....heh.......
yurichan- s-shush!!...-is adorably mad-
yurichan- s-shush!! -is adorably mad-
yurichan- -blushes- a-am not *//_//*
yurichan- -is now adorably mad- not..!!
yurichan- -pins her on the bed,is on top of her and in between her legs- am not~
yurichan- -smirks- now look who blushing?...-whispers in her ear- you are~ -licks the outside of her ear-
( you ruined it...ITS 0 to 100) yurichan- -smiles and lays on her again-
(ughh fineee whateverr). yurichan- -whispers in her ear- your moan was cute....~
(NOREASONSFORYOUTOKNOW) yurichan- -smiles- your welcome~
(NOYOUSHOULDNTIMSHIPPINGYOUTWO) yurichan- -kisses her neck and licks up slowly-
(NOOO) yurichan- -holds her hands together ,with one hand above her head on a pillow- -continues licking her neck- hmm~..
(NOO *thinks of something and nosebleed*) yurichan- -smirks and sucks on her neck and leaves a mark- -licks down her back,going lower-
(THINGS -wiping nose with hand-) yurichan- -licks her tail-
( THING ABOUT YOU AND READMYSTUFF) yurichan- -drags cat teeth on her tail against it - -my tail sways-
(IM THINKING ABOUT YOU TWO DOING THIIIIINGS). yurichan- -smiles and kisses her with tongue-
(ok..and YA ..DONT JUDGEEEEEEEE) yurichan- -kisses deeper,exploring her mouth- ( what do you call girl x girl ..is it yuri? idk..i know its. not yoai)
(KNEW IT) yurichan- -strokes her tail- -tongue swirls-
yurichan- -smirks at her- -wraps tail around finger and pulls it-
( DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN) yurichan- -smiles innocently- hm?~... -tugs on it-
yurichan- -tugs harder- -tugs faster-
yurichan- hm~ -licks her neck- -keeps tugging-
yurichan- -pulls tail very hard-
yurichan- -eyes widen and moves fingers lower- (*MAJOR NOSEBLEED*)
yurichan- -sticks a finger in her-
yurichan- -sticks another finger in her and moves them in and out- (whats with us....)
(ok BAM <time skip>) yurichan- -panting and cxx in on the sheets- -sighs-...-smiles at her slightly-...
(YA) yurichan- -kisses her- i love you too...
yurichan- -pulls her close and slowly falls asleep-
yurichan- -slowly opens eyes-
yurichan- -hears water and gets up and yawns and quietly walks to the to the bathroom,still alittle kinky and cxx all over me-
yurichan- -gets bra and underwear off and hops in behind her- -hugs her around her stomach- hm~ hi~..
yurichan- -smiles and gets the shampoo and starts washing hair,while the cxx and soap wash off-
yurichan- -gets conditioner and leaves. it in hair and starts washing arms and chest and stomach-
yurichan- -smiles and washes lower body- -drops sponge- ugh..-bends down to get it (EWWW OML....IM WATCHING SOMEONE PULL OUT THE LARGEST BOOGERππππππ)
(OMG NOW IM WATCHING A GIRL WITH SNOT COMING OUT..ALOT OF IT...EWW IT ALOT!!!!!) yurichan- -stands up and washes out conditioner and washes off soap-
yurichan- -sits in front of her and smiles and washes ears- -purr slightly-
yurichan- -blushes- -looks at tail- ....i dont want to wash my tail.......but i have to..........
yurichan- -blushes and looks down- u-um...can you w-wash my t-tail for me?......
yurichan- -is turned around and bite lip hard,trying not to moan-