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Poem by me :) gonna be posting two more of these today because i need to do some more posting and I’m hoping to bring u all an ineffable thoughts soon since it’s been so long😅 what do u think of the poem?meaning? Sending love~~💕💕
^^”i collapse with angels grace” KANKSIHSIHAIHA 😍😍😍
wow👏🏻👏🏻amazing;; my interpretation is how i feel like mental illness is slightly being romanticized(?). suffering is suffering and it’s hurt and pain for the person but other ppl see it as art which is not to say art rooted in expression of hurt is bad, but art isn’t all that suffering is.
Especially love the last part ❤
Hmm my meaning would be that we're all supposed to be good looking and happy and stuff and that no one really cares about what's going on underneath that. Rather pretty and suffering in silence, than openly being broken.
wow this is amazing!! 💛
I love this💞
@caption: yess I love ineffable thoughts. ^_^
i have no words
i was gonna i write my interpretation but i gtg, i’ll hopefully come back to write it tho❤️ and express how much i love this