Collage by ThOsE-fRiEnDs


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hey love šŸ’•
hello:) Iā€™m Samantha
might sound weird aha , but you have a really nice smile <3 , and hehe , howā€™re you?-itā€™s a pleasure meeting you!
*blushes a tad,as I look down at my feet shyly*
wait ,weird question ,I use to be on this account , and I think she had a thing or something with a guy off an account like this , do you recall having a Richard ?
with this girl *
yeah! aha, Iā€™m sisters with Avery lolz
Iā€™m not sure what happened really between them I just remember they use to talk, cause he is all I heard about lolz , :) but yeah, Aha ,tbh itā€™s kinda lonely not hearing her talk about him , since sheā€™s been gone for about a 8 months
kinda made her sound dead lol, sheā€™s not dead , sheā€™s gone to University!
*smiles wide up at you* your poor soul, you probably wanted to just get ear plugs like me *giggles*
well, Iā€™ve talked to her , sheā€™s coming back in the summer for a bit*smiles * i mean if Richard wants to known, but for now , would you like to do something ?
oh really * frowns* Iā€™m sorry , *wraps my arms around your torso*
hey hey *grabs your hands looking up at you* donā€™t be sad , he wouldnā€™t want that, I didnā€™t know him, but I know if I died I wouldnā€™t want people being sad* frowns slightly * would you like some love ? I mean not to brag,I give pretty good cuddles ,and Iā€™m offering them to you, I mean if youā€™d like *smiles at you*
*smiles* tbh ,I was scared , I didnā€™t want you to say yes aha, Iā€™ve kinda got a reputation on this app ig
Iā€™m not kidding ah , I feel for the wrong guy .
*shrugs with a sweet smile* would you like to do something (
wow wow sir , please choose ,Iā€™m very indecisive
what if , I give you options , and you make the final decision:,)
pretty please*pouts my lip at you*
*bops your nose on my tippy toes and giggles* thankyou mister
*smiles and thinks,looking at you* hmm, Arcade ? Zoo? Beach, go out for food , or even go to an event :) go for a walk through the park?
*smiles as I nod* sounds great!
*smiles ,as I walk to the door slides on my shoes*
would you like too*smiles ,as I soft slide my green jacket over my long sleeve stripped shirt*
well love ,I donā€™t want to force you
*smiles,as I nod, walking out*
thankyou*softly pecks your cheeks while on tippy toes*
*smiles as I walk next to you* hm, well what would you like to know ?
Iā€™m really boring , but my name real name is throne , and Iā€™m from New Zealand :) aha , I have 4 siblings which I guess is cool, and Iā€™m the second youngest child in my family :) Iā€™m a hockey player , and I model sometimes :) so , itā€™s pretty hectic :) Iā€™m 5ā€1 , and probably one of the most sassy people youā€™ll meet
tell me about you:)
anything youā€™re willing to share :)
middle child *smiles* and 2 brothers ! , oh youā€™re mother was surrounded by boys :) hehe , I have Avery (duhh) and alaĆÆa , than KYler
and I think kyler dated someone off your account also lololol
your poor momma :) I mean , once you all get girlfriends or if bi a boyfriend,sheā€™ll have the opportunity to have a daughter :)
*giggles* really ? - how old are your brothers ?
ah all my siblings are like 2, 4 and 9 years apart , in reality , Iā€™m nineteen almost 20, Avery is just 2 years younger @ 17 turning 18 this year , alaĆÆa is 23 turning 24 , and aha , kyler well he is old aha :,)
*smiles at you* youā€™ve definitely caught my attention
youā€™re not the typical kind of guy, and I admire that about you :)
someone whoā€™s just about others bodyā€™s , or tend to ignore or want Å”Ć©x, youā€™re different :) youā€™re kind , and I know weā€™re friends , aha donā€™t get me wrong , just youā€™ve definitely blown me away
*smiles* I mean I could go more into detail , I just idk
*smiles with a soft shrug while walking* just donā€™t want to make things awkward
*smiles as I nod* I guess, but I would say , Iā€™m closer to being your typical girl than a different girl *giggles*
anyways , what I was trying to say , is even not knowing someone personally you still have manners , and youā€™re very kind hearted , quick to trust , and overall a cute personality:) I really admire you a person because of the character traits you have šŸ™ˆ
well youā€™re mother did an amazing job aha , my mom was never around , letā€™s say , she wasnā€™t a mom, she was a women who was desperate for money *nods and shrugs* none of the 4 of us had a real parent figure ,had to figure a lot out on my own *smiles*
itā€™s all good , most people donā€™t really understand guess you could say weā€™re ā€œbad kidsā€ kyler has big mental issues but also is in a gang . whole alaĆÆa is a lot like my mom, *nods* Iā€™m trying to be an okay person, but Iā€™m HIV positive because of my past mistakes, and Avery is really struggling with drug abuse
while *
*walks into the arcade with a frown* Iā€™m sorry ...
I shouldnā€™t of said anything*smiles softly up at you , a bit ashamed*
*smiles as I nod* what shall we do first ?
*grabs your hand, and closes my eyes* Iā€™m blind ,now you must choose!
come back:(
*giggles as I smile* hmm, basketball?
*shrugs and smiles*
*smiles as I shake my head and follow*
just feeling a bit under the weather ,Iā€™ll be okay!
Iā€™m sorry?
hey, iā€™m ava (:
itā€™s okay:)