you're fine. donald trump will not kill you. he's just the president. he shouldn't make you want to go back in the closet or not practice your religion just like you've done before. everyone is making this seem like such a big deal and it just isn't.


you're fine. donald trump will not kill you. he's just the president. he shouldn't make you want to go back in the closet or not practice your religion just like you've done before. everyone is making this seem like such a big deal and it just isn't.

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*goes in my closet*
@caption // thank you!
@caption I agree so much! He is not going to kill you or force you to do anything! The president doesnt even make laws.
key word "shouldn't"
^ no but why does he?
but he has sexually assaulted multiple women?? he's threatened to build a wall around Mexico?? he's a complete narcissistic idiot who ran for president so he could prove to his siblings he was better than them? his vp supports conversion therapy, which is completely fake and also many if not all who go through conversion therapy either commit suicide or develop serious depression?? plus his vp thinks abortion is wrong, EVEN IF you have been raped or you might die if you don't get an abortion?? is that ok??? because thousands of people are scared of their own (future) president. the women. the members of the LGBTQ+ community (which already have reason to be worried). the people of color. we shouldn't be scared, but we are. we are because he's against everything we've been trying to say is fine for who knows how long. we've stepped on every single person, like Martin Luther King or Susan B. Anthony, who fought for people's rights by electing Trump. we have every right to be scared.
oh goodness that got really long sorry
also he makes fun of people with disabilities. that's every kind of wrong.
woah woah woah ok but what I'm saying is he's not going to personally come and put you in prison. he's not going to do much, and since when was strengthening border security a bad thing? there's already a fúcking wall for peté's sake. and I agree, his VP is messed up but he literally can't do anything but be the president of the senate and encourage people to do things. I agree that trump is a bad person. but you would rather have a corrupt criminal who wouldn't hesitate to lie to us as president? he isn't going to do anything irrational because his narcissistic bútt is afraid of getting impeached. and we weren't going against the things we believe in by electing trump- we just didn't want Hillary, okay?
it's kind of a big deal
it is but it isn't