I will answer to all the questions ^-^


I will answer to all the questions ^-^

27 0
u wanna talk?
but my father is catholic
Thomas: n-no.... not really
How old are you? Any siblings?
I'm 13 years old and I don't ave any siblings but i live with my cousin (who's 15 years old)
Favorite holiday? -Luke
Summer holidays 😊 and you ?
Summer holidays (when I was in school) and Christmas.✨
when u WAS at school ? you don't go to school now ?πŸ€”
stupid question sorry πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
Nope, not anymore. If I did then I'd be switching schools every 2-3 days.
Do you have any pets?
yes a rabbit 😊🐰
What time is it for you? It's 3:48 in the afternoon here. -Luke
(I'm in Paris)
Were you born in Paris?
yes but I used to live 2 years in Germany when I was a child
and I go in Germany during all the holidays
How old were you when you lived there?
9-10 years old
Me and Amber moved to Germany when she was 6 and I was 8-9. The only thing I don't like about Germany is the smokingπŸ™„
same I hate the smoking...😷
I've gotta go, to divide up an orange evenly because apparently we're "one slice to short" and now, if I cut the orange slice in half someone will complain that it's not even, or that we lost to much juice and demand more juice. Good times....
okaaaaay πŸ˜‚
my best friend smoke and I hate that ...
New record! 11 minutes and 43 seconds to divide up an orange. Last time it took 15 minutes because Amber insisted that she was having her rights violated because Carla had eaten one extra slice.
πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»so strange πŸ˜†
According to the others oranges are gold.πŸ™„I've never until we ran away seen anybody worship an orange before.
totally normal πŸ˜†
πŸ˜‚Kind of