I feel awful!


I feel awful!

4 0
picture--perfect or anyone do you want it???
I don't hate you!!!!
I want to help you, I know sometimes we don't like people and I understand that. Just because I am her friend doesn't mean I can't be yours too, right? If you have another account I will follow it if I like your collages because I forgive you.
I understand. I am here for you.
See, on this collage I can see lots of creativity! If you apply it to a positive cause, then you can shoot for the stars! Really, do you have another account? I won't tell anyone, I promise.
If you want to start this account over, you can change your username and delete what you posted. Then no one will know!
I am really sorry how they hated on you, that was mean. They called you names too, so essentially you were being hated on too!
Oh by the way, this is MushroomCup01. God bless. Xoxo
turn this into a regular account!πŸ€”
yes please
I don't hate you! I want to help you, I know that sometimes we don't like certain people and I understand. Just because I'm her friend, doesn't mean I can't be yours too. If you create a new account, I'll follow you! I forgive you. I'm really sorry how they hated on you, that was mean. They called you names as well, so you were being hated on too!
all we want is for you to delete those posts change the name and keep the hate inside of you cause if you don't we're gonna hate
you can do that but we will still remember who you were and you said that you hate her still but i would love it if you changed
I don't hate you! I would never hate on anyone. I just want to help you. perhaps if you started over, and made an account, things would be different. I understand how sometimes we don't like certain people. but it doesn't mean that you should publicly announce it. I'm sorry everyone hated on you, but maybe if you kept those thoughts to yourself, none of this would have happened. please consider this. we will forgive you. πŸ’• | xx
You just like attention. Issues, am I right? You need to cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and GET OVER IT! This little pity party for you is ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC. Need a therapist?
pls we all love u, and it's not to late to start over. I like YOU and ur acc except all the mean comments u put. but I like everyone and everyone is my friend. can we start over? I'll follow u
make me a hatepage
Helloooo!! As @mushroomcup01 said, u have lots of potential!! If u love instead of hate, this account will become beautiful! πŸ’žπŸ˜˜
ok I am willing to help thank you I'm glad your trying to change just if you want to collage and need help comment on my page
I understand that some people may not be your favorite, but that doesn't mean you pick on them and choose hate. I'm actually really proud of you for stepping up and giving a convincing apology. I'm sorry I sound like a mom, but I really am proud. Keep focusing on the positives of people! πŸ‘
please restart your account. start over and turn a new page. ever since I got that stupid negative comment on my page, I knew if I just didn't disturb acting or give you any attention then you would finally post this, every hate always posts a sorry collage, even if they still hate someone. just start over mate.
do want you want *chibi face* I believe in you!!
im not totally sure what ur saying ? ΒΏ
The only person that should feel awful is picture--perfect. you hated on her, and that was wrong. maybe you would feel better if you changed you account. I support picture--perfect, do you?
What Are You Saying?? Your comments are annoying me so I'll change. Or Ill change to expose her
I don't hate you! Even if you don't like picture--perfect, don't create a hate page! Start over, change your username, stop hate😊
what do you mean