Ask Hifumi Yamada


Ask Hifumi Yamada

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y r u so fat & ugly u fat basted
what's ur cup size as a grel
I feel sorry for Naegi he hast to see u in most of the class trials
do u wach hentie cuz it's 2-D
r u gay
r u a boy or a thing
a bunch of 3-D hentie has bean delivered 2 u want would u do
Hey Hifumi, do you find you have more in common with Celestia than what comes off? I mean you like waifus and she dreams of vampire boyfriends and has hair drills, that is quite otakuish/plain nerdy Lolita
what's ur favourite food? is it 2-D hentie??
do u smoke weed???!
stop eating so much and *ucking die u fat basted
and go to fat people *ell
Hifumi have you ever thought about what you would ever look like if you were a 2-D waifu? Or just a girl in general? (I dunno, just thought I should ask XD)