I'm back...for now....


I'm back...for now....

19 0
Hello! Welcome back! It's nice to hear from you again!
thank you!!🌸🌸
also, if everyone that changed their username could tell me their old usernames so I can know who you are that would be helpful. thank you.✨
I was Pickles_Frost_Senpai
thanks, I already remembered you πŸ˜πŸ’•
Okay! πŸ’–
I'm either 4everTaeyang or Seventeen_Woozi
and I posted something for you.
thank you!!πŸŒ™
You're welcome!!
Hey! I'm having a contest. If you haven't entered, please do so when you can! Sp far I've had three people join and one doing it soon. Thank you for sticking with me! Love you!
okay! I'll check it out!!πŸ’•