
Like either Maki...

Or Kotori...


πŸ‘‘TAPπŸ‘‘ Like either Maki... Or Kotori...

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oh dang
TBH at one point I wasn't sure if I liked Nico or Hanayo more. But now I'm pretty set on Hanayo
I just somehow despise Rins voice.
Hanayo was my best girl for a while...but it switched.
I love Rin's voice TBH. It's so clear to me, so lovely. But I understand.
I was also unsure if I liked Yohane or Riko more...But then I rewatched episode three and knew that Riko was definitely my best girl. I understand! And of you're tied between some girls there all adorable so I don't blame you
mmhm. Rin is amazing, but as I'm changing of course the characters I like are too.
what's keeping Kotori from being 1st is her voice, and for Maki it's her hostility.
That's reasonable. I don't like Kotori's voice very much either
Rin's voice isπŸ‘Œ I don't really rank my best girls on their voices. At one point I hated Kotori's voice but she still stayed 3rd because of her attitude and just everything:33
I had hated Rin since the beginning of time. I hated her voice then I heard her sing then all of a sudden she became second girlπŸ˜‚