yo getting dressed into everything is so tiring tho you gotta zip up your bibbers make sure they’re tight, make sure you have knee high black socks, gotta have the dinkles, find your jacket on the rack, grab your shako from the cubby, take the gauntlets,


yo getting dressed into everything is so tiring tho you gotta zip up your bibbers make sure they’re tight, make sure you have knee high black socks, gotta have the dinkles, find your jacket on the rack, grab your shako from the cubby, take the gauntlets,

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yo getting dressed into everything is so tiring tho you gotta zip up your bibbers make sure they’re tight, make sure you have knee high black socks, gotta have the dinkles, find your jacket on the rack, grab your shako from the cubby, take the gauntlets, gloves, and flash out of your shako and put them on (with help bc the gauntlets are TRICKY), then find a band mom to put your plume on your shako, and then make sure your shako is on straight. FUN
^ you right though it’s so ANNOYING
^^ honeSTLY