Shout out to Melting Marshmallows for requesting this collage!
Q:What’s your favorite city?


-Tappppppppp- Shout out to Melting Marshmallows for requesting this collage! Q:What’s your favorite city? A:Montreal!!!!

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Omg that's legit mine too (GO HABS GO)
I rlly like this collage be
Np♥️Do u think we could collab sometime
Yay! Would you prefer doing background/quote or the text?
Idc either way is fine with me
Okay, do u want the quote too
totes fab💓
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas Montreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yasssss tyyyyy
wow!!! awesome editing😀😀
Thankyou 🙃 -Um Edmonton, I don't really have a favorite because I haven't gone to many cities
nahhh. still same old me :)
and this is gorgeous
me is on dreamhighschoolrp
me is on dramhighschoolrp
hey! I know your time isn’t up but when we’re you planning to finish your part of the mega collab
can you do Emma Watson?