Have you guys gotten the recent update? now, when you try to search for a picture, it shows these really weird sticker-type images that dint usually match my search. is that just me, or is anyone else getting that? am I the only one that hates it?!?


Have you guys gotten the recent update? now, when you try to search for a picture, it shows these really weird sticker-type images that dint usually match my search. is that just me, or is anyone else getting that? am I the only one that hates it?!?

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yes there called pngs and I searched no pngs and that's all that came it sucks I'm yet to find a picture now. I suggest using we heart it for pictures.
yeah good idea. thanks!
well I feel stupid literally right after I posted that I saw pic collage news telling me that they'll fix it later. lol
well it's still really stupid the new sticker thingy even if we had it for a bit
yes same