I love my best friend Ash


I love my best friend Ash

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awwww he's so cute
no problem
cute princess ❤️
thanks daddy😘
awwww Max calls me baby girl
thts cute
yeah he makes me smile. and we had séx
umm...lol. thts great i guess...jus b careful. ur young.
yeah we know we did it three times. we were careful he was careful I was careful but we love each other so much
łmao use protection
yeah we did we used protection
łmao, that's nice.
im slightly freaked out😂😂
im a mom and idk if i'll ever b ready to have this confo with my own daughter lol
your a mom? people at my school call me a teen mom
you'll do it sometime
yep. she's 1 her name is Chloe. i was married too...but he's gone...i dont like tlkin about it. i have Wes now and im happy.
that's good that Wes makes you happy. you were married?
I love ya princess ❤️
i love u too daddy❤😘
awwwww cute guys. just because I curl my hair doesn't mean I'm a teen mom
um. ok? lol. i curl my hair all the time😂
yeah and then my friends started calling me and teen mom and I felt embarrassed and sad 😭
it's ok 👌 but I don't want to be called a teen mom when I'm not carrying a child
I don't want rumors about me it's just not right
thanks for listening 👂!
knowing my àss I would have knocked someone out
I remember that. the girl who called Tess a teen mom is in my la class and she is mean to everyone. a bully
yeah I would do that too and this guy named Wyatt thinks that it's ok to touch my bûtt
thts weird lol
he's weird and a jerk
yeah and he is Cocky and a jerk
i dont like guys like tht
mean either. I have a boyfriend and he just doesn't know he thinks he can do whatever he wants
then set him straight girl!
I will but I don't want to be judged
if he judges he doesnt rly love u
Tess max doesn't do that
yeah that's why I have max and not Wyatt
oh..I see
yep 👍