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First things first; WHY do you want a boyfriend?
I don't, but everyone thinks it's weird that I don't that is why I need help
If you don't want a boyfriend, don't have one. You shouldn't feel pressured to have one. Tell them what you feel and why. Stand up for yourself.
MY ADVICE TO YOU: humans are alike beings. that is probably the way same species should be though. but another thing about our kind of beings, is that we all have come a long way intelligence and technology wise. right now our species has been just dipping into a fairly new idea. diversity. there are so many new ways to express one's self in today's day and age. this leaves more room for people to be different, individual, but also more connected. that has its ups and downs, but that is a discussion for another time. now how this all relates to your predicament? it is hard to not worry about what others are doing and what they think of you. especially when diversity isn't fully excepted yet (if it ever will be, i cannot know or say). you are different. i know it seems that everyone needs a partner/love life/relationship to be normal anymore. and actually, i believe that to be true. i agree with them. it is definitely the new norm for all ages. it all goes back to the fact we are all much more connected than in the past. that may be scary, but it also might be okay. even though this is the norm, i do not agree that one must follow. being different is okay. you probably hear that silly little cliche more times a day than is bearable, i know i do. but you should really listen when you hear it. diversity is something very real, a little dangerous, but also a little beautiful in our species. own it. in the end, you will do what ever you want. no matter what words, of what i hope is wisdom, i share with you. but here is one last thing i will say before i finish. observing others and blindingly following others actions like a sheep, is not the same thing. observe what others are doing, because some of it is quite wonderful things, that you should also do. but only observe. do not blindly follow like a sheep, because some of the things are wrong, or just silly things that you do not need to do with your time in your current stage of life. observe and think my friend. if you decide not to follow is better for YOU, do not. and then the contrary. if your reasoning for following is simply to not be different, you are a blind sheep following to a common fate. One of which is usually not as bright as the light that shines within you when you are your complete self, and nothing less. What you should do about your problem is your choice. all i can say is, observe, think, decide, and shine. ✨🌙