Look who's back.


Look who's back.

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wanna talk about it or do you want some cute animal pictures or both
THANK GOD!! Geez are you able to talk on any other social media so I can ask what happened?? If not that's alright, I'm just glad to hear that you're okay..
w E L C O M E B A C K ya boi mochi was worried sick
ah alright I hope you start feeling better soon even if you don't feel that much better
re//better bet your bottom dollar, I might not have made a post about it but I was looking around for you and kinda freaking out at your absence (which you don't need to feel pressured to talk about if you don't want to rn🌸 we're just happily rejoicing your return)
I'm not sure if you say what I said but I just want you to know I'm sorry for saying something like that you should tell us always about how you feel so we can help you please you didn't bother us we don't mind I know all of us would make sure to do anything to make you happy so yeah I sorry about what I said
re//anytime, any day, fam 😊
I'm only blaming myself for what I said ahh let's just leave it at we're both sorry? it's really okay let's not worry about it anymore
hey you're back :)
definitely hurray, I was worried x