What is your advice for stopping a bully from bullying you I really need it


What is your advice for stopping a bully from bullying you I really need it

22 2
i've been bullied before so… Stand up to them and say how about you pick on someone your own size OR stand up to them and say WOW you really think you're cool to do that
a. try to be nice, if that doesn't work, literally don't even look at them, and if that doesn't work, get like a parent of someone who, to make it seem like your not telling, ask to be in the same place as you when your getting bullied
I know that everyone says it but it really helps me to tell someone that I trust about it and even if it doesn't stop it still makes the feel better
ignore them and stand up to them and I have 4 words for u,kill them with kindness
tell an adult and try to ignore it
Dont worry u still have us followers as friends